Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brutus Learns about Money

One, two, three, seven, ten. . . Brutus needs help learning how to count, but he knows where to find information on investments--the library! There will be a series of financial programs in Owosso during the months of February and March.

On Thursday night (February 10) at 7 p.m., Cynthia Edwards from the Social Security Administration will present "Social Security: What You Need to Know". As well as providing information on this popular retirement program and Medicare, there will also be time to ask questions.

Then on Monday, February 14th at 6:30 p.m. the first in a series of six investment programs provided by the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation will be held in Owosso. "Ten Steps to Protect Your Money" will show attendees how to avoid common investment mistakes, present a 7-step process for making better investment decisions, and include 3 steps to avoid scams and investment fraud. In Brutus' opinion, the best part is that no one will be trying to sell him anything! He has a new fascination with money, but staff still won't let him help collect fines or make change--he needs to learn to count better first.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brutus has a Snow Day

Brutus enjoyed playing in the snow. He didn't know that snow days could be so much fun! He missed everyone yesterday and is enjoying being back to work again today. (Although he is not the one answering the phone about tax forms and hours). From the tales being told, he had more fun than most of the staff who spent nearly all day cleaning out driveways, shoveling sidewalks, and waiting for snowplows so that they could shovel some more. Much to Steve's and Margaret's dismay, he would even like another blizzard this winter. They are threatening to send him to upstate New York or New England if he likes snow so much. He was also nice and warm with his soft, fur coat.