About 150 items were appraised by Mike Gaylord of "Everything Classic" radio show. Some people waited until after 7 p.m. for their turn. Brutus loved the Abraham Lincoln log cabin quilt from the 1890's and the old soda fountain. (Too bad it wasn't working; he'd like to try some Vernors). The most fun though was playing on the spinning wheel. Unfortunately, that got him crated for the rest of the night--he didn't know that it wasn't a toy! (It dated back to the 1870's in Pennsylvania).
The only things Brutus didn't care for featured cats. Doesn't anyone collect dogs? However, Margaret was impressed with the cat ink well and bronze statue which were both quite valuable.
Brutus and the library staff would like to thank Mike Gaylord for his time and the appraisals and Young Buick GMC for sponsoring this program.