Brutus is finding his choices overwhelming. There are so many things to do at the library, that he doesn't know what to do first. Story hours have resumed and he loves spending time with the kids. There is nothing like having a child love you!
Then he heard that the Kitchen Assistant is coming on October 26th. Margaret told him there wouldn't be any cooking and that the refreshments were for the people. He was very disappointed; however, if Darla Jaros is giving cooking and money saving tips, maybe someone would listen and take pity on him. It would be really nice if the staff would learn something and bring in more treats! (Hint, hint)
Finally, he learned that Mike Gaylord will be doing antique appraisals on October 30th. He was worried that he might be an antique like the lamp in the staff lounge. (It is one of the original lamps in the library). Staff has given him both good news and bad news--he is too young to be an antique (the good news) and he probably does not have much monetary value since he was not made by Steiff (the bad news). At first his feelings were hurt, but they reassured him that he was priceless in their eyes and is in no danger of being sold to the highest bidder.