Brutus has been listening to Steve, Chicaro, and Margaret talking about the Bath schoolhouse massacre in 1927. He cannot understand how anyone could intentionally kill people, especially children. He loves kids and children are some of his best friends; they are usually quick to give him hugs, treats, and a good scratching behind the ears. Fortunately, Brutus does not bite people, although he has reconsidered this postition and asked if he will be allowed to bite people who don't like children; (but Margaret says there will be no biting period if he wants to remain as the library mascot).
Brutus is anxious to meet Arnie Bernstein on Friday evening, May 14th. He will be speaking at the library about his book at 7 p.m. as part of the Michigan Notable Authors' Tour. Brutus remembers lots of fun at last year's event and expects to enjoy this author just as much. Books will be available for sale after the program for $15, and refreshments will be served. (Brutus supposes he will be banned from the cookies as usual; he is hoping that someone will take pity on him and bring some dog bones).