Brutus has been busy trying to help some of the library users who received Nooks and Kindles for Christmas. He has almost perfected the downloading of ebooks, especially since detailed instructions were added to the library's web site (
http://www.sdl.lib.mi.us/) and learned that the Kindle Touch only allows downloads through a computer (not through its wireless connection). Computer keyboards and mice are still a challenge though with paws! His next project will be to play with the Download Station in the library for MP3 players. He also plans on helping the librarians choose new titles for purchase and welcomes users' suggestions. He promises to pass along titles which aren't about dogs, but doubts if he can consider books about cats; talk directly to Nancy, Anne, or Margaret for that. He also wants to remind those who are interested in this service to call the library or stop in at your local branch to set up an account; you will need your card number (and if you come in, you can also pick up a copy of the instructions).