Last night Brutus helped us get in the Christmas spirit at the wreath making workshop. He loved the smell of the greenery and the chatter (and attention) of the ladies, but found it difficult to wire the pine, boxwood, and holly to the frames; he didn't even try to make a bow by himself. This was just too doggone difficult to do with paws. He decided to help by pulling out some of his favorite boughs to take to the women who needed them. Unfortunately, he soon forgot about helping and enjoyed running around the library with them (which had to be stopped as he was setting a bad example for the kids).
He was amazed with how different each wreath was; yet they were all beautiful! His favorite was one with a purple bow. Part-time employee Chicaro was making one to use as a centerpiece so of course Brutus thought that he should be part of this, too. Instead of the candle or hurricane lamp, he demonstrated how he could grace her dining room table (and have first dibs on Christmas dinner). His only suggestion for improving this workshop was to have the cookie exchange at the same time. Both Harriet and Margaret nixed that idea due to the lack of space and the mess of pine needles and dirty hands. Brutus didn't see how that should be a consideration as he just grabs cookies with his mouth (and there would be more for him!) Humans can sure be party poopers at times.
Brutus and the library staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
New Book Bags!
Brutus is investigating the new book bags now available in both Durand and Owosso. They are not only great for carrying books and other items, but he thinks they would also be useful for transporting small pets (especially dogs with short legs who have to run to keep up with their humans; cats can walk). The bags are canvas with a front pocket and top zipper, and they measure approximately 14 inches by 17 inches by 3.5 inches. They cost $6, and Brutus has added one to his Christmas list!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
One of Brutus' Favorite Authors
Brutus, when he wasn't stuffing himself with turkey last week, enjoyed the new book by Spencer Quinn. Quinn is one of his favorite authors (just like Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday) because Chet is a dog and also the narrator; and Quinn speaks fluent dog. Brutus was almost inspired to go chase murderers while reading this story, but a knife wielding character convinced him that there might be too much danger involved. For now he is going to content himself with his warm box in the library until he can sniff out another good book.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Writing Your Family History
Brutus has been very busy the past few weeks trying to learn how to write with a pencil. Neither his paws or his mouth seem to work very well with computers or pencils. He is trying to prepare for Mardi Link's presentation on Sunday, December 9th in Owosso on writing your family history. He doesn't know much about his parents or siblings, but he'd like to be able tell more about some of his library adventures. He would also like to encourage all interested humans to preregister by December 6th to guarantee a space. He has heard that she is a very good presenter and has written an award winning book. As soon as he can get this doggone pencil to work, he'll begin working on his memoir which he intends to call Tail-Wagging Adventures in the Library. (Or maybe he should just find someone to whom to dictate his story and forget about the pencil).
Friday, October 12, 2012
Happy Birthday, Stephanie Plum!
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Stephanie, Happy birthday to you! May you have a tail wagging good day!
Brutus is excited to celebrate Stephanie Plum's birthday today. He thinks that the books about her are very funny, but he does not want to be in her next car which blows up. He also suggests that she choose Morelli over Ranger because Morelli has a dog (which is a much better pet than Stephanie's hamster or Diesel's monkey). When he has finished celebrating, he plans to rustle up a pair of handcuffs (which seem to be sorely lacking in the library) and sniff out a fugitive.
Brutus is excited to celebrate Stephanie Plum's birthday today. He thinks that the books about her are very funny, but he does not want to be in her next car which blows up. He also suggests that she choose Morelli over Ranger because Morelli has a dog (which is a much better pet than Stephanie's hamster or Diesel's monkey). When he has finished celebrating, he plans to rustle up a pair of handcuffs (which seem to be sorely lacking in the library) and sniff out a fugitive.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Brutus' Vacation
Brutus was able to get away for a short vacation last week. He met a new friend, Oswald the Bear, and they became best buddies. It was rare to see one without another. Among the sights they enjoyed were the Mackinac Bridge, several lighthouses, and Tahquamenon Falls. They also had fun playing in the leaves and changing the word "dog" to "bear" (dog, bogs, begs, bees, beer, bear). Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to catch up on his backlog of books to read, and now Brutus needs to work really hard to catch up at the library this week. Brutus had a doggone good time and really appreciated the change of scenery.
Upper Penninsula,
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Banned Book Week
Next week (September 30-October 6) is Banned Books Week, and this year's theme is Thirty Years of Liberating Literature. Brutus has been looking over the display in Owosso and trying to decide which book to read. None of them are about dogs so he may have to expand his choices a little. So far The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn appeals to him the most. He has overheard several staff members talking about fall vacation trips, and if he can sneak into one of their cars, he can read while traveling. Since he has been working hard all summer, he has been whining about a little change of scenery.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Brutus Researches His Family Tree
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Brutus and the Summer Reading Program
Brutus has been enjoying this summer's adult summer reading program. He has been working hard to complete his bingo sheet for a prize. He is having a hard time finding a book for the Michigan history category about dogs though. He wishes to remind all his friends that the program continues through July 28th so there is still plenty of time to finish a bingo sheet! This has also been a perfect summer for reading--it's too hot to do anything else. Just ask the staff to stamp the appropriate square after completing a task. (And Brutus thinks that his paw print makes a better stamp than the library logo which has been used).
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Brutus Enters the Photography Contest
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Brutus Meets Jackie, Gary & Cooper
Brutus is enjoying Jackie & Gary's music this afternoon. He is also planning on attending this evening's program at 7 p.m. as several staff members say that they remember the New Christie Minstrels. He also met Cooper, their dog (who is in the background). They had a good time getting acquainted, and Brutus hopes to visit with Cooper again tonight as well as you. (By the way, Brutus behaved himself this morning and did not chase the magician's rabbit).
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Summer Programs
Brutus is excited about Tuesday, June 26th. He is going to be busy all day at library programs. Bill the Baffling Magician will be at the library at 11 a.m. Brutus wondered if he will be allowed to chase Gus the Rabbit; but he has been told that if he does that, Bill might make make him disappear. If he disappears will he still be able to enjoy the two musical programs later in the day?
Jackie and Gary will be performing at 2:30 p.m. for the kids and at 7 p.m. for the entire family. Jackie used to sing for the New Christie Minstrels and Gary is a retired music teacher. They do a fun program with lots of action for the children; Brutus hopes to join in and meet their dog Cooper who will also be attending. The evening program will feature classical and original folk music. Cooper will also be at that show so Brutus is hoping for more time to visit with his new friend. Also, are dogs allowed to join in a song-along?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Brutus Salutes Our Veterans
Brutus is preparing to salute our veterans, especially those who fought in World War II, next week (May 17th at 6:30 p.m. in Owosso). He is anxious to hear Larry Martin's presentation in the veteran's own words. He has also been doing some reading about Pearl Harbor and D-Day. He heard that there will be a nurse here talking about her experiences, too.
He has lots of questions about the role of dogs in the war, and Margaret showed him a website about the Marine Corps dogs; he was surprised (and sad) to learn that some of his cousins were killed in battle.
For more information on Martin's program, visit his website,
Also, staff have informed Brutus that there were only 48 stars in the U.S. flag during the war. He's never seen a flag without 50 stars. If anyone has a small 48 star flag, he'd love to have you bring it so that he could have his picture taken with it!
He has lots of questions about the role of dogs in the war, and Margaret showed him a website about the Marine Corps dogs; he was surprised (and sad) to learn that some of his cousins were killed in battle.
For more information on Martin's program, visit his website,
Also, staff have informed Brutus that there were only 48 stars in the U.S. flag during the war. He's never seen a flag without 50 stars. If anyone has a small 48 star flag, he'd love to have you bring it so that he could have his picture taken with it!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Michigan Notable Author Visit
Brutus has expanded his reading tastes beyond books with dogs as a main character (although those are still his favorites, and he won't yet read about cats). Michigan Notable Author Scott Sparling will be coming to Owosso on Monday, April 30th, and Brutus can't wait to meet him at 7 p.m. He enjoyed his novel, Wire to Wire, and is thinking that it might be fun to hop a train. Staff have warned him that it is dangerous, but he's not listening very well; hopefully hearing some of Sparling's experiences will convince him to stay in the library. (Sparling was once kicked off a freight train in Owosso, and he has promised to tell more about that night during his presentation). The book also mentions both Owosso and Durand briefly, which Brutus found to be very interesting. Brutus hopes that many of you will join him in greeting this award-winning author! This is always a great program!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Brutus Enjoys National Library Week
Brutus has been enjoying National Library Week. He and his friends have been trying to answer the trivia questions being posted on Facebook, but they aren't fast enough to beat all the great trivia experts who use the library. Brutus claims that it is the typing which slows him down, but he's yet to even come up with a correct answer! Watch for more questions today through Saturday. The first person to correctly answer via Facebook wins a coupon for two free movie rentals. (Brutus suggests Marmaduke and Hotel for Dogs as they are a couple of his favorites). He is also pestering for a question about dogs since (ugh) there was one about a cat!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Brutus learns about appliques
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Brutus and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Brutus had heard that a registered dietitian will be speaking in Owosso at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night and he was hoping to taste test the refreshments. He was caught (again) before he could eat very many cookies, but he wants to know if he can have some more at the program. He was told that cookies were not considered to be healthy snacks for either people or dogs, and that there will be healthy snacks that night. He's not quite sure how he feels about healthy snacks, as right now cookies sound much more appetizing!
Brutus is now confined to his box for the rest of his terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day. Staff are turning a deaf ear to his whining as they are too busy with library users, computers, and tax forms to keep him out of more trouble. At least the sun is shining and his box isn't in danger of getting wet! If he can be good for the rest of the weekend, maybe he will be allowed out again soon.
healthy eating,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Brutus Learns to Download
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