Friday, April 29, 2011

Tiptoeing Through the Tulips

Brutus was caught tiptoeing through the tulips in the library's flower bed this afternoon. He was enjoying the sunshine and flowers after a very wet week which included some minor flooding in the library. Harriet reminded him of the NO DIGGING rule. There would be dire consequences if so much as one tulip bulb or plant was disturbed! The only exception was dandelions; they could be dug up. There are just too many rules for a small dog to remember!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

2011 Edible Book Contest

The entries are beginning to arrive, and, as usual, Brutus wants a share of the spotlight. The camel club doesn't allow elephants to attend their meetings so Brutus stopped by to see if dogs are allowed. Unfortunately, he could not tolerate the desert conditions and lack of water the camels have to endure so we'll never know if he could have joined the club or not.

The Dr. Suess entry, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish looked interesting, but Brutus wasn't so sure about the water. It didn't smell like something he would drink--too fishy.

The children's entries are some of his favorites. The fruit on the Rachel's Rainbow entry looks good enough to eat! (One of Brutus' favorite activities). And rumor has it that there will be watermelon cake and clove cookies at tonight's program, too.

Be sure to come by the library between 4 & 7 p.m. to vote for your favorites. Awards will be announced after the Massie's presentation "Woodsmoke & Elbow Grease" which should be interesting for the entire family. Brutus hopes to see you there.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book Spine Poetry

To celebrate April is National Poetry Month, Brutus has been working on a book spine poem. Book spine poetry is created by stacking books so the titles on the spines make a poem when read from top to bottom. It's obvious from his poem that Brutus doesn't like cats very much. Anyone is welcome stop by either the Owosso Children's Department or the Durand branch to create their own book spine poem. The poetry will be displayed through April.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Edible Book Contest

Brutus invites everyone to join him for a great time with the Edible Book Contest. He has chosen White Fang for his book (because it is about a dog) and created a large tooth from a marshmallow. If he can do this with paws and teeth, even a child can create something for the contest. Brutus probably won't win either; he has all ready eaten half a bag of marshmallows so his "white fang" certainly won't last until the judging on the 14th. Complete rules and application blanks are now available at the library or online. Brutus is particularly anxious to try some of the old recipes from the Massie's book Walnut Pickles & Watermelon Cake at the Awards Program.