Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Brutus and the Bubble Man

Brutus met the Bubble Man this afternoon in Owosso's Children's Department. He thought that the bubbles were very neat (and would have chased some of them if the staff had allowed it), but the heat began to get to him. The Bubble Man needed one of the fans turned off and there were about 60 people at the program. At first he thought that he might take a swim in the vat of bubble solution, but Annie told him that it wasn't just plain water--there was a lot of soap in it! Brutus settled for a nice cold drink from the water fountain instead. Brutus is enjoying the summer reading program so far and hopes to meet even more kids at story hours and Drummunity on July 2nd at 1 p.m.

Brutus makes a visor

This morning Brutus helped make visors with kids at the craft program at the Durand Memorial Branch. He's going to use his visor to keep cool during the dog days of summer. Brutus will also be at the other summer craft programs in Durand on July 22 and August 5 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Reading Program Signup

Brutus has been pestering the staff, like a dog with a bone, to let him sign up for this summer's reading program. Today he had his chance. He's now look for dog stories and can't wait to join some of the kids at the story hours. Story hours will be held at the following locations from June 15th to July 24th at 10 a.m.:
Mondays: Roosevelt School
Tuesdays: Shiawassee District Library--Owosso
Wednesdays: Curwood Castle
Thursdays: Emerson School
Fridays: Bryant School

In the case of rain, Storytime will be held at the library.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sorting Books for the Booksale

Brutus decided to help Margaret sort books this morning. The only problem was where to start. There are lots of books for tomorrow's sale which will be held on the library's front lawn (502 W. Main, Owosso). There are also some books on cassette, VHS tapes, and DVDs. Brutus hopes to see you there, and let him know if you see any good dog stories you think he might enjoy!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Brutus visits the Bus-eum

Brutus enjoyed the Bus-eum's visit earlier today. This year's display was entitled "Held in the Heartland" and featured information and artifacts related to World War II German POW's who were held in the midwestern U.S. Brutus didn't know much about World War II so he found the treatment of the enemy very interesting. Many of men, some of whom were housed just west of Owosso, worked on area farms or in local factories. Chicaro had also compiled a notebook of reminisces and newspaper articles related to Owosso's camp. Brutus learned alot about both the POWs and Owosso's history in a short period of time. For anyone who missed the exhibit, the accompaning booklet will be made available at the library in a few weeks as well as the notebook.